Coping with School Bullying DVD:
A DVD educational resource by: The scenarios and videos are the result of workshops conducted with year 8 and 9 students at Unley High School. Through a process of brainstorming, scripting and filming the videos reflect the way in which students see and experience bullying. Bullying is recognised worldwide as a problem for schools and the entire community. In Australia the National Safe Schools Framework requires that all schools provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all members of the school community. This DVD and it’s accompanying booklet goes to the heart of bullying issues in schools. The intended audience includes educators, young people, parents, community representatives and other stakeholders concerned with addressing bullying. The DVD is designed for viewing in upper primary and secondary school classrooms, staffrooms and school communities, with the aim of prompting discussion and promoting change. The videos deal with four types of bullying:
Want to know more?For more information about the Coping with School Bullying DVD and how it can support your school to copy with bullying, download a the DVD booklet in PDF version (requires Acrobat Reader), or watch this 86 seconds Quicktime DVD trailer.
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AcknowledgementsThis educational resource on DVD was produced as part of a Flinders University Research Grant (FRG) involving Flinders University & Unley High School. It is part of a package of resources used in South Australia to address the issue of school bullying. Being evidence based makes it unique amongst audiovisual resource materials on antibullying interventions. Research by Professors Phillip Slee & Rosalind Murray-Harvey, from the School of Education at Flinders University, used questionnaires and focus groups to collect data from over 700 students at Unley High School over the period of a year. Interviews were also conducted with key school and health personnel. Students worked with the director, Ms Alison Wotherspoon from Screen Studies at Flinders University, to workshop, script, and perform the scenarios on the DVD.