A Review of Current School Practice Regarding Bullying
The following flow chart provides some indication of the questions that can
be asked of current school practice regarding the issue of bullying. The
chart has been taken from the PEACE Pack (Slee,

Figure 1. A flow chart of current school practice
In helping to address the issue of bullying at your school you might consider
your answers to the various questions posed in Fig. 1. Having answered these
questions you might like to consider the following figure taken again from the PEACE Pack (Slee, 2001).
The PEACE Program outlined in Fig. 2 provides a frame-work for addressing the
issue of bullying in your school. The program has been developed and evaluated
in a number of Australian schools and found to be effective in reducing the
amount of bullying.

In the PEACE program illustrated in Fig. 2 various steps are described for
implementing a school based intervention programme to reduce bullying. You might
like to consider where your school is in relation to the steps in Fig. 2
You may like to investigate more . . .
Other Bullying Information
- Sex and age differences in Victimization and
conflict resolution among adolescents in a South Australian School. A
journal abstract.
- "You just stare at them and give them
daggers": Nonverbal expressions of social aggression in teenage girls.
A journal abstract.
- School Bullying In Australia: Developments in
Understanding and Intervention Initiatives. A conference abstract.
- Slee, P.T. (2002). Child, Adolescent & Family Development (2nd.
Ed). Cambridge University Press. Melbourne.
- Slee, P.T. and Shute, R. (2003). Child Development: Thinking about
theories. Hodder Arnold: London.
- Slee, P.T. (2003). Violence in schools: An Australian commentary. In P.K.
Smith (ed.) Violence in Schools: The Response in Europe (pp.301-316).
Routledge-Falmer: London. A Book Chapter.
- Slee, P.T., Ma, L., Sim, H., Sullivan, K. and Taki, M. (2003). Bullying in
Schools. In J. Keeves and R. Watanabe (eds.) International Handbook of
Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Kluwer Academic
Publishers: Dordrecht. A Book Chapter.
- Slee, P.T. (2001). The P.E.A.C.E. Pack: A
Program for Reducing Bullying in our Schools (3rd. Edition). Adelaide.
The third edition of this school based intervention program for reducing
bullying is now available.
- "Guess What I Just Heard!": Indirect
Aggression Among Teenage Girls in Australia. A journal article.
- "I'm In and You're Out...": Explanations
for Teenage Girls' Indirect Aggression. A journal article.
- "It Hurts a Hell of a Lot…": The
Effects of indirect Aggression on Teenage Girls. A journal article.
- Bullying is a serious issue - It is a crime! A
journal article.
- Bullying in the Playground. A journal abstract.
- Bullying in Japanese Junior High School Students.
A conference abstract.
- Bullying amongst Australian primary school
students: Some barriers to help-seeking and links with socio-metric
- Bullying and Stress. Part of a Conference