What's New
Bullying Information and Resources
- Shute, R., & Slee, P.T. (2016). Mental health and wellbeing through Schools: The way forward. Routledge. U.K.
- Shute, R, & Slee, P.T., (2015). Child Development. Theories and critical perspectives. Routledge. Psychology Press.
- Slee, P.T. (2017). School Bullying: Teachers Helping Students Cope. Routledge, Parl Square, London
- Skrzypiec, G.K., Slee, P.T. and Askell-Williams, H. (2017). Collaboration with parents/carers in KidsMatter schools. In C. Cefai & P. Cooper, ed. Mental health promotion in schools: Cross cultural narratives and perspectives. Netherlands: Sense Publications.
- Skrzypiec, G., & Slee, P.T. (2017) Implementing quality wellbeing programs in schools: The views of policy makers, program managers and school leaders. Pp 207-221. IN C. Cefai & P. Cooper (eds.) Mental Health promotion in Schools. Sense Publishers.Rotterdam.
- Slee, P.T.., Skrzypiec, G., Cefai, C., & Fabri, F (2017) Coping With Bullying, and Promoting Well-Being and Positive Peer Relations. IN P. Sturmey (Ed.) The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression, Part xv11, Chapter 125.
- Bottroff, V., Spears, B. & Slee, P. (Due 2018) Bullying issues for students on the Autism Spectrum and their families. In the SAGE Handbook of Autism and Education.
- Roussi-Vergou, C., Andreou, E., Didaskalou, E., Slee, P.T. & Skrzypiec G. Evaluation of the “Coping with Bullying” program in Greek Secondary schools: A repeated measure approach Gordon, JU (Ed.) (In Press) Best Practices in Bullying Continuum of Care: Prevention, Intervention and Recovery. Springer.
- Slee, P.T., Murray-Harvey, R. and Wotherspoon, A. (2008) Coping
with School Bullying DVD.
- Slee, P.T. and Murray-Harvey, R. (2006). Coping
with School Bullying: A video documentation. Paper presented at the 19th
Biennial Meeting of the International
Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, July 2-6,
Melbourne, Australia.
- Slee, P.T. and Murray-Harvey, R. (2006). An
international study of bullying in 5 Pacific Rim countries: Australia.
Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of
Behavioural Development, July 2-6, Melbourne, Australia.
- Slee, P.T. (2006). Bullying
prevention and intervention programs in Australia: A community focus.
Paper presented at the 17th World Congress of the International
Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions,10–14
September, Melbourne.
- Slee, P.T. (2006). The P.E.A.C.E. Pack: A whole-school program for
reducing school bullying. In H. McGrath and T. Nobel (eds.) Bullying
Solutions: Evidence-based Approaches to bullying in Australian Schools
(pp.85-101). Pearson Longman: Sydney.
- Owens, L., Shute, R. and Slee, P.T. (2006). Boys aggression to girls: The
views of Year 9 girls, boys and their teachers. In K. Osterman and K.
Bjorkqvist (eds). Contemporary Research on Aggression. (Vol.1) School
Violence. Proceedings of the 16th World
Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression,
Santorini, Greece September 18-22, 2004, Abo Akademi University, Finland.
- Owens, L., Shute, R. and Slee, P.T. (2005). “In the eye of the beholder
...”: Girls’, boys’ and teachers’ perceptions of boys’ aggression
to girls. International
Education Journal, 5 (5), 142-151.
- Slee P.T. (2005). The P.E.A.C.E. Pack: Evaluation of a program for the
successful reduction of school bullying. In P.K. Smith and N, Soeda (eds.) School
Bullying Around the World. Minerva Shobo Publishers: Tokyo.
- Owens, L., Shute, R. and Slee, P.T. (2004). Girls' aggressive
behavior. The Prevention
Researcher, 11(3), 9-10.
- Cox, G., Owens, L., Shute, R., Slee, P.T., Wright, S. and Wotherspoon, A.
(2006). Bullying: Evidence-based Strategies for
Schools. [DVD and Booklet], Flinders University: Adelaide.
- Wotherspoon, A., Shute, R. and Slee, P.T. (2006). Bullying: "Very
mixed emotions". A video discussion about bullying young children. Commonwealth
Attorney General's Department: Canberra.
- Slee, P.T. (2006). Violence prevention: Schools and communities working in
partnership. International Observatory on
Violence in School.
Stress Information and Resources
- Slee, P.T., Murray-Harvey, R. and Cameron, H. (2006). Families
at Risk: The Effects of Chronic and Multiple Disadvantage. Shannon
Research Press: Adelaide.
- Slee, P.T. and Murray-Harvey, R. (in press). Disadvantaged
children's physical, developmental and behavioral problems in an urban
environment: Links with social capital. Journal of Social Service